Is The Rosary An Assault Weapon?
Recently a left-wing media outlet published an article brandishing the Rosary an assault weapon.
The author and editor and all of the main stream media and radical left-wing politicians are portraying Catholics, and Christians
in general, as a radical group that is dividing this country, forcing their will on the population, being the moral police and being intolerant.
Of course that is exactly what THEY are doing and being themselves. Not to mention that this country was founded on God and freedom of speech.
It is almost impossible to speak or even defend your opinion or question any topic if you don’t agree with the main stream media or leftist politicians
without being labeled mysoginist, racist, climate denier, trans- or homophobe or whatever the subject matter.
So how has the Roasry been singled out by the left as an assault weapon?
Protests by Catholics are peaceful.
I have been many times with many Catholics at an abortion clinic praying the Rosary for the end of abortion,
for the murder of unborn babies to stop at the clinic, in the United States and in the world. All those protest have been peaceful and civil, without profanities
no burning cars, spray-paining, destroyed windows, buildings etc.
As Catholics we believe that life begins at conception. The man and the woman consent at that time (I am not including rape here) so why should life be destroyed?
Right there is the choice you have as a man or a woman, your body your choice. After that there may be another body. It is laughable
to talk about REPRODUCTIVE rights when the DESTRUCTION of life is the subject.
So why is the Rosary such a dangerous weapon?
Because it is used peacefully in protests, unlike many “peaceful” protests by Antifa and BLM.
Because the Rosary beads are visible while reciting the prayer, quietly, peacefully. Because of the success of the prayer?
The Rosary prayer is a group or prescribed succession of prayers. There are opening and closing prayers and in between are five decades of Hail Marys.
During the ten Hail Marys we meditate on the different stages of life of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It takes about 15-20 minutes and people pray it by themselves or in a group .
As it is being done before mass in most catholic churches around the world.
Indeed the Rosary is a powerful weapon. When we are baptized into the catholic Church we are joining the church militant and are putting on the armor of Faith.
God is on our side and through the intercession of the blessed Virgin Mary He answers our prayers.
Just like the Rosary prayers around the world for the end of abortion.
Like most Catholic families we pray the Rosary daily. Our family prays for different intentions, for personal intentions and universal intentions ie. the holy souls in purgatory,
the conversion of sinners, for the consecration of Russia to Marys Immaculate Heart etc.
With the spiritual warfare against the Faith in the world we need all the prayers we can get. Christians are the most persecuted Faith in the world.
The Holy Rosary is our weapon.
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