Burning Desire is the Start of New Beginnings.
Had the most epic day hiking around Mt. Rainier in Washington State! It is breathtakingly beautiful, with the snowcapped mountain tops, flowing brooks, waterfalls from melting snow, a pristine view of the Cascade mountains, abundant wildflowers, tall pines, blue skies, hundreds of chipmunks scurrying about, marmots, mountain goats and delicious wild blueberries. I couldn’t but feel an immense gratitude. For years all we wanted was more time together as a family when it seemed so impossible at the time with Andre working long hours, weekends and holidays as an executive chef at fine-dining restaurants or country clubs. Somehow, we’ve been able to transition building our own business that is location independent, gives us opportunities to travel full time and explore this beautiful countryside and have so much quality time as a family!
This didn’t happen by chance!!
I had to be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I had to work on my mindset!!
I had to believe it was possible!!
I had to be consistent and committed!
I had to trust the process!
I had to get comfortable being uncomfortable!
I had to unlearn and relearn and learn no skill sets.
I had to make temporary sacrifice for long term gain
I had to deal with disappointment and move on!
I had to fail many times and get up again and again!
But it’s all worth it for the person I am becoming in the process, the life we are creating and the lives we’ve changed and continue to change for the better!!
Anyone who has a burning desire for a better life has everything they need to create it!
There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.
Napolean Hill
Stay tuned for a video from Andre and more posts about Mt. Rainier!!

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