Understanding the Difference between Activation and Supplementation
The root cause of inflammation and nearly every chronic and autoimmune disease is directly linked to oxidative stress. A quick search on PubMed, the national database for scientific and medical research, will highlight over a quarter million studies linking oxidative stress to just about every health issue known to man.
What is Oxidative Stress?
Oxidative stress, also referred to as “free radical damage”, is an imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body. We combat oxidative stress with antioxidants, however, just supplementing antioxidants is ineffective option due to the fact that we have 13 sextillion (that’s 13 with 26 zeros!!!) free radicals built up daily, so using traditional antioxidant supplements is like trying to pay off our national debt with a $1 dollar bill at a time. It just can’t keep up and gets buried further and further into debt. This graphic with a decaying apple is a great way to explain what’s happening in our cells when they are overwhelmed with oxidative stress.
Exogenous vs Endogenous Antioxidants
There are 2 types of antioxidants: exogenous and endogenous.
Exogenous antioxidants are antioxidants that we get through our diet and through supplements or even intravenously. This approach combats the free radicals on a 1:1 scale.
Endogenous Antioxidants are antioxidants our body’s make; like glutathione, super oxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. These antioxidants are 1 million times more powerful. They are able to neutralize the free radicals on the scale of 1,000,000: 1 every second of every minute, of every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because our bodies are miraculous. Now imagine, you are paying off the national debt with a million dollar bill every second of the day and night. It starts to make an impact on the debt and so is the case with our “toxic debt” and our health.
The key to health and anti-aging is to limit our toxic overload as much as possible and neutralize the oxidative stress by activating our survival genes: nrf2, nrf1 and NAD. They are activated or “switched on” using very specific combinations of natural herbs and compounds.
Nrf2 may well become the most extraordinary therapeutic and most extraordinary preventative medical breakthrough in the history of medicine”
Washington State University
What is Nrf2?
I am so glad you asked! Nrf2 exists in every single cell in all mammals, so even our four-legged friends can benefit immensely. Nrf2 is a master healing and detox pathway but needs to be ‘switched on’ or activated using nutrigenomics, natural herbs and compounds that effect our genes in a positive way. It activates the body to heal itself. Here is the most proven one, that we use every single day!! This is scientifically proven to reduce oxidative stress by 40% in just the first 30 days. It increases our body’s natural production of glutathione by 300%, SOD by 30% and Catalase by 40%. This natural nrf2 activator is the only natural product proven to extend life in mice by 7% and has a whopping 28 studies published on PubMed, which is unheard of for an all-natural product.
Foundations for Health and Healing
To be well you have to first fix the cell. Activating our nrf2 pathway is, arguably, the single most important thing we can do for our health. It is foundational. Allow the body to detox at the cellular level, make very powerful antioxidants to put out fires in the body and recalibrate and fine tune our genes to health. Once the foundation has been set, I advise people to build up their mitochondria, cell energy, next and then focus on gut health… or if your budget allows, do all three at once.
In summary, instead of working with symptoms, we work with the powerful systems our incredible body’s already have in place.
Flip the Switch. Feel Better. Do more!
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