87,000 New IRS Agents and How You Can Legally Save $4k -$8k in Taxes by Having a Home-Based Business.

87,000 New IRS Agents and How You Can Legally Save $4k -$8k in Taxes by Having a Home-Based Business.

A mom working a home based business

In the ever increasing and expanding, non-sensical and tyrannical government overreaches, we now have 87,000 new IRS agents who will “use deadly force if necessary” to harass citizens of their hard-earned money. Now is as good a time as any to remind the general public that taxation is theft. Ironically, H.R.5376 – Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 as Fox News reported, allots 124 billion taxpayers’ dollars to pay for this next level infringement.

The IRS job description for their law enforcement division was quickly deleted, but not before it was screen captured and shared all across social media.

We are freedom motivated and always searching for loopholes around the systems and we share what has worked for us! Something that we learned is there are 2 tax systems; the W2 Form, which is designed to steal wealth, and the business tax system, which is designed to create wealth. When our tax codes were written based the logic that what’s good for businesses is good for the economy and so they favor businesses. There is a reason why billionaires like Donald J. Trump and Jeff Bezos don’t pay taxes. They are not criminals; they are very smart. Fortunately, it is possible for anyone to cross over into the

Courtney Epps, a tax code expert and CEO of OTB tax, says that the average household can save between $4,000 to $8,000 a year on taxes just by having a home-based business. She also says ; “If every household in America had a homebased business it would cost the government $508 billion in tax dollars. No wonder our government wants everyone to believe [network marketing] is a scam.” One of the easiest transitions into the business owners’ tax bracket is to join a network marketing business. If you are already purchasing a product you love, joining the business is a no brainer! Even if you run your business very casually, you have made most of your household expenses a tax deduction.

Network marketing is set up like a real estate brokerage, mortgage brokerage, insurance brokerage or franchise. The difference is that you don’t have to spend hundreds of thousands to get started, the overhead is low, you don’t need to hire employees, you can start part-time until you make full-time income. In fact, most people don’t take the business seriously precisely because of the low cost of entry. I learned recently that this business model is not allowed in communist China for the very reason that it is a path for an average person to create financial wealth if they have the burning desire.

Our first introduction to the world of business was Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. It was a paradigm shift for both Andre, coming from former East Berlin, and myself, who thought the was to become financially free was to have a really good job, like a doctor or lawyer. We almost opened a restaurant in 2016, bought and flipped a house and tried to get on the housing market, but it was difficult with cash buyers winning the bids for the foreclosures we were trying to buy. I started a virtual assistant business and I also invested in a course to learn how to be the go between for finding great deals on homes and connecting them to buyers for a nominal fee. We tried so much. A mentor, that God sent into our lives, introduced us to another book of Robert Kiyosaki; The Business of the 21st Century, which talks about the network marketing industry. 2 months later, after interviewing many companies…. we found our forever company and are forever grateful.

A couple years later, I attended a convention where Kim Kiyosaki told the story of when Rich Dad Poor Dad was first written, and they were struggling to sell the 1,000 books they had printed. They had copies for sale at a friend’s car wash business. One day a customer came and bought them all. That mystery customer tracked down Robert and Kim Kiyosaki to ask if they had any more copies in print. She told him they had 1,000 minus what he had already bought. What fascinated Robert Kiyosaki was that this man had a complete understanding of all the principles outlined in his book and did so because he was a network marketer for Amway and had created a massive organization. He bought the book as a gift to his downline and cross line leaders. This was Robert Kiyosaki’s introduction to network marketing and he went on to write a book about this industry and that is The Business of 21st Century. If you haven’t read it, grab a copy!

“Being a part of a network marketing company not only helped me build my practice but also allowed me the personal development I would never have gotten without it.” -Courtney Epps, OTB Tax

Whether you choose to start a multi-level marketing business to switch your tax system or to create residual income, you’ll have made a winning decision.

There are many other ways to build a home-based business like starting a podcast or YouTube channel, a farm, or an Etsy shop. Get creative!!

We have switched our tax bracket and said goodbye to the W2 in 2021. Even our cross-country adventure has many tax deductions because of our YouTube channel: FreeWayTribe . Please head over and check it out… and like and subscribe!

Should you raise a family in these Dark Times?

Should you raise a family in these Dark Times?

Short answer: absolutely yes!!! In fact, the greatest contribution you make to this world may not be something you DO, but rather someone who you RAISE.

Often, very often, we hear from concerned, young men and women, who would love children, but say they don’t want to bring them into this world of corruption, toxins: a country that is on the brink of communism. They ask our thought as parents’ who are very aware of the issues we face today while simultaneously raising 7 children … and open to anymore God sends our way.

First off, the world is going to need your children and their leadership and stewardship. God needs your children so He can do mighty things through them, and He needs us to be faithful and trusting and co-create our posterity and hope for the future! Children are a blessing from the Lord and each one is “made for such a time as this” and we, their parents’, are equipped to raise up these arrows when we cooperate with God’s grace! His command has always been to “be fruitful and multiply”, so have faith and trust the process. Faith always, always proceeds the miracle. If we are going to change the world, it begins in the home; a Christ -Centered, loving home that is the schoolhouse of virtue and character formation. We need strong families more than ever.

Secondly, you are never on the right track when you make a decision based on fear, lack, despair, doubt or any other low emotion. That’s a sure tell-tale sign that it is not from God.

Bodhi and Andi

Honestly, I think that fear is deliberately placed on people’s heart by the Satan, so they won’t have children! The enemy is afraid and is a masterful illusionist. The truth is there has never really been a perfect time of ease. Each era has had its challenges and hardships.

Good things are contagious and when one person chooses goodness, joy and Truth, others will follow their lead and do the same! We can’t change the World ourselves, but we can cast a stone and create many ripples that eventually will make the change! Our children are the solution. It’s not for us to know the future but to have faith and make the next right decision, after the next right decision.

Be a Warrior, not a Worrier!

Love God, love and honor your spouse, and live a life of faith, integrity and joy!

Pray, hope and don’t worry!